The Digital Funfair has consistently amazed and enthralled visitors since it began in 2005. Mashing up popular culture, technology and the thrill of the fairground the Digital Funfair offers something to actually do in sharp contrast to the passive consumption offered by conventional entertainment. Featuring the mob spectacle of the Virtual Coconut Shy, semi-automatic dj-ing table the Beat Jigsaw and Smackbottoms – the worlds only mannequin based guitar hero game – The Digital Funfair is a space to play which sparks the imagination. It is funny peculiar, funny ha ha and pure unadulterated fun all at the same time.
It started off as couple of installations held together with gaffa tape and hope, sited under a tarpaulin off the side of a lorry. It has steadily grown into a show which has toured extensively in the UK and Europe. We currently have two marquees,around ten different pieces which we regularly take out to shows and for really big events, two sofas! We have taken the show to museums, muddy fields, corporate events, pubs, clubs, cinemas, arts centres, schools, youth clubs, village halls, car parks, shopping centres, bridges and street corners! We have covered most areas of England from Devon to Tyneside, from Kent to the Lakes.

We’ve taken the show to Northern Ireland, Portugal, France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Austria and Romania.and seen it dissolve differences in age, ability, gender, culture and coolness. From Ballycastle to Bucharest we’ve had people dragging their friends across festival sites to show them what they’ve just seen but can’t describe.